Sunday, April 17, 2011

WANTED: Name For Newest Creation...There is a Reward...

The Gypsy Assassins will NEVER back down from a challenge.....but sometimes we would rather bribe someone else to do some work for us so we can go do things which entertain us better (like tormenting those who oppse us for entertainment!).  This is where all you lovely people come in....

We have a new accent skirt.  It's wonderful! It's fantastic! We can't think of a name!  So we want YOU to name it.  Yes YOU!  Actually, we want all of you to suggest names for the skirt.  Whoever comes up with the name we choose will receive three (yes THREE!!!) hair scarves!  We'll even let you pick colors ;-)

So here it is....

And again here....

So go on!! Think of a name and place it in the comments here!  We'll pick a winner on Saturday the 23rd!
You know you want too....


  1. Crimson Fascination
    Scarlet Swoon
    Scarlet Trance

  2. Flirty flouncer

  3. This is GypsyAssassin #2, testing...

  4. Fire Lotus.
    Flame of Wind.
    Dancing Love.
    Love's Passion.
    heh- Bee Balm (Soph).. Melissa's Flame ;)
    Fucia Fantasy (why cant i spell fucia?)

  5. maybe no one else has tried because Jennifer's onto something?

    im a fan of scarlet ;)

    i cast my lot of
    scarlet flair
    scarlet swirl
    thinking about how it might move ...
    shimmy swirl - works on any similar item of any color.

  6. Sacral Tease

    Death by Sunset - Assassian Style ;)

    Red Sow

    Sacred Dancer

    "The legend goes that once upon a time, a little girl and boy got lost in a blizzard. No one ever found them so they froze to death. Spring came and someone found where they had died. A beautiful red fern had sprung between their bodies. The spot red ferns grew were sacred, only angels could plant their seeds."

  7. Red madness (you'll go mad if you watch someone dance in this for too long!)

    Fuschia flame (fuschia is my favorite next to purple....together it's a deadly combination!)

    Sunset insanity (again, watching for too long....can't seem to shake that theme!)

  8. Floaty Flair
    Whimsical Wisp
    Wine Dark Whimsy
    Wine Dark Dervish

    that's me done ;o)
